NB-Rail Association

The NB-Rail Association is an international non-profit organization of the Third-Party Conformity Assessment Body (Notified Body (NoBo), Designated Body (DeBo), Assessment Body (AsBo), Entity in Charge of Maintenance – Certification Body (ECM-CB)) in the European railway sector. The association is installed to support and to complement the activities of NB-Rail coordination group.

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Full members

We appreciate the support of more than 40 notified bodies.

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Upcoming meetings

Core Group Meeting, Cologne (DE) - hosted by TÜV Rheinland Rail Certification (hybrid meeting)
31st General Assembly, Remote meeting
Core Group Meeting, Hamburg (DE) - hosted by TÜV NORD (hybrid meeting)
32nd General Assembly, Brussels (BE) - On-site only meeting
Core Group Meeting, Valenciennes (FR) - hosted by Certifer (hybrid meeting)
33rd General Assembly, Remote meeting

NB-Rail Coordination Group

NB-Rail’s Coordination Group's main purpose is to discuss matters relating to the application of the relevant TSIs, of the procedures for assessing conformity or suitability for the use of interoperability constituents, and of the procedures for the verification of subsystems.

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Official Documents

NB-Rail Association supports the NB-Rail Coordination Group by publishing information and documents.

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Subscribe to NB-Rail's newsletter if you want to stay informed about all changes to the RFUs.

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Upcoming plenary and strategy meetings

STR 069, Cologne (DE) - hosted by TÜV Rheinland Rail Certification (hybrid meeting)
PLE 073, Remote meeting
STR 070, Hamburg (DE) - hosted by TÜV NORD (hybrid meeting)
PLE 074, Brussels (BE) - On-site only meeting
STR 071, Valenciennes (FR) - hosted by Certifer (hybrid meeting)
PLE 075, Remote meeting