Questions & Clarification (Q&C) to the European Commission
In accordance with the principles of 2008/57/EC Art.28(5) & whereas(46), 765/2008 Art R30 & R17(11) and the Blue Guide 2014 (5.2.2&5.2.4) NB-Rail prepares Questions & Clarification (so called Q&Cs) in conjunction with the provisions of the TSIs and 2008/57/EC.
The text of a Q&C must undergo a three-level screening process where the proposed text is drafted, reviewed and improved between technical expert level, process expert level and endorsement by all notified bodies present at the NB-Rail plenary meeting. As a fundamental principle, a Q&C shall communicate the NB-Rail discussion findings to the European Commission in cases where the current technical provisions of the applicable legislation as established by the European Commissions should be reviewed or improved. The European Commission may in many cases consult ERA, who will in turn prepare a technical opinion on the topic in accordance with 2008/57/EC Art.7(1).
NB-Rail cannot use the Q&Cs to directly resolve the matter, but they are often containing useful information and arguments for industry stakeholders.
Q&Cs are published as primary source as defined by the Blue Guide 2014 (5.2.4) on the European Community webpage
As this resource is by many considered as difficult to navigate, a number of Notified Bodies are co-operating to present the same RFUs also on this webpage here below.
ERA technical opinions are published on their webpage
All subsystems
- QC-STR-004 EC declaration intermediate subsystem conformity.pdf
- QC-STR-005 Discrepancies between different TSI language versions.pdf
- QC-STR-006 Duration of validity.pdf
- QC-STR-007 List of harmonised standards.pdf
- QC-STR-008 ERTMS on regional lines.pdf
- QC-STR-009 Certification according withdrawn TSIs.pdf
- QC 0893-02 Dealing with errors and omissions in current TSIs.pdf
- QC 0893-03 Assessment against new and revised TSIs.pdf
Subsystem infrastructure
- QC-INF-008 Colour of signs.pdf
- QC-INF-009 Fire protection of structures.pdf
- QC-INF-011 Platform height.pdf
- QC-INF-012 Requirements for platforms.pdf
- QC-INF-013 Requirement for stairs.pdf
- QC-INF-014 Chapter existing solutions missing.pdf
- QC-INF-015 ICs in PRM TSI (INF subsystem).pdf
- QC-INF-016 Prolongation of transitional period for ICs of HS INF TSI.pdf
- QC-INF-017 Definition of stairs.pdf
- QC-INF-018 Register PRM TSI.pdf
- QC-INF-019 Newly produced IC.pdf
- QC-INF-020 PRM TSI deficiencies.pdf
- QC-INF-021 Platform height, exemption trains outside LOC&PAS.pdf
- QC-INS-001 Slab track.pdf
- QC 0893-09 Regulations for bridges.pdf