Official Documents

This is the official homepage of NB-Rail Association, which supports the NB-Rail Coordination by publishing the following information and documents.

Recommendation For Use (RFU)

In accordance with the principles of (EU) 2016/797 Art 44, (EC) No 765/2008 Art R30 & R17(11) and the Blue Guide 2016 (5.2.2&5.2.4) NB-Rail Coordination Group prepares recommendations for use in conjunction with the provisions of the TSIs and (EU) 2016/797 (so called RFUs).

The text of an RFU must undergo a three-level screening process where the proposed text is drafted, reviewed and improved between technical expert level, process expert level and endorsement by all notified bodies present at the NB-Rail Coordination Group plenary meeting. As a fundamental principle, an RFU shall ensure a uniform application of the current technical provisions of the applicable legislation as established by the European Commissions by clarification, but it cannot alter any mandatory content of this applicable legislation.

Although RFU's do not require formal approval from external bodies, at all 3 levels ERA representatives are informed and their feedback is welcomed and also the regulatory committee known as the "Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee (RISC)" can comment on RFUs in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 51 of the Directive (EU) 2016/797.

RFUs are published as primary source as defined by the Blue Guide 2016 (5.2.4) on the European Community webpage RFUs are “administrative decisions” as defined by Directive (EU) 2016/797 Art 30.6 and therefore shall be applied by all notified bodies.

As this resource is by many considered as difficult to navigate, NB-Rail Association supports the NB-Rail Coordination Group to present the same RFUs also on this web page here below.

Questions & Clarification

Questions & Clarification (Q&C) to the European Commission

Frequently Asked Questions

NB-Rail publishes a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) and related answers to give all stakeholders guidance at the application of TSIs and Directive (EU) 2016/797. FAQs are published as primary source as defined by the Blue Guide 2016 (5.2.4) on the European Community webpage

As this resource is by many considered as difficult to navigate, a number of notified bodies are co-operating to present the same FAQs also here:
Frequently Asked Questions

RFUs for previous versions of TSIs

These RFUs may be still applicable for ongoing projects that apply previous versions of a TSI

View previous versions here.

Adopted Recommendation For Use

Subsystems infrastructure and rolling stock

Documents at other sources

The official documents are also on CIRCABC and can be accessed following this procedure:

  1. Goto homepage of circa
  2. Click: "Browse categories" on the left side
  3. Click: "NB-Net - Notified Bodies Network" from the list (Interinstitutional projects)
  4. Click: "NB-Rail"
  5. Click: "Library" on the left side
  6. Click: "Public Documents"

The Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) can be found on the official webpage of ERA

Old versions of RFUs and QCs can be found in the archive section on CIRCABC. Otherwise, they can be requested to the Technical Secretary